We are the leading global manufacturer of engineered fasteners, shims, installation machines, and parts feeding equipment producing over two billion components annually . In addition to high quality products, SPIROL has Application Engineers throughout the world to assist you in your designs, supported by state-of-the-art manufacturing centers and global storage facilities to simplify the logistics of delivering your product.
we want to insert a roll pin with outer diameter of 4.2 mm and inner diameter of 2.6 mm and 8 mm large material steel, into a cavitie of steel , I would like to have the cxa cxd and cxd
Demande de devis sur Mandrins de goupillage
good morning, your product Spirol CMPL 4x4 AK CL601 meets the requirements of standard S 132030-1 regarding prohibited substances?
We would need technical specifiaction.
Demande de devis pour Machine de pose manuelle d'inserts à chaud |
As a testing phase, we will need 50-100 units as a sample. On succesful completion of testing, we will need delivery in batches for the product Plastic part compression limiter CL600
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