To offer complete solutions as a single source supplier for the benefi t of plastics processors and their products: this is the task and promise to which WITTMANN and WITTMANN BATTENFELD have committed themselves. Today, the WITTMANN Group is the only company worldwide that has made good on this promise; supplying all of the equipment that is needed for the plastics injection molding industry.
This smooth interaction of machine, automation and peripheral equipment is the key ingredient needed for real energy-effi ciency, cost-effectiveness and process safety in injection molding. No less important for us is the ever-evolving user friendliness of our equipment and the very high quality of the machine
build. We live and work in a spirit of permanent innovation – and this spurs the continuous improvement of our products.
The companies of the WITTMANN Group and all employees remain deeply committed to this idea of permanent innovation – one day at a time – every
where in the world – and for more than 40 years now.
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