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F-DGSi COSMOS H2 Hydrogen gas generator

Gas analysis


“ Key points: Improved chromatographic results: The use of hydrogen as a carrier gas enables elution to take place at lower temperatures, thus extending the life of the chromatograph column. Hydrogen as a carrier gas is faster and more sensitive than helium, which is more expensive. Time savings of 25 to 35% with no reduction in resolution. Increased laboratory efficiency: A constant, uninterrupted gas supply of guaranteed purity eliminates analysis interruptions due to cylinder changes and reduces the number of instrument recalibrations required. Enhanced safety: The very limited internal volume (less than 50 ml) means that gas generators can be used safely when the use of cylinders is risky or prohibited. The application of tested safety technologies shuts down the device in the event of leaks or malfunctions. Simple installation: Gas generators can be installed in the laboratory, on or under a bench, eliminating the need for long gas lines from cylinders elsewhere. ”
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Are you looking for a hydrogen supply for your GC carrier gas? F-DGSi's range of COSMOS hydrogen gas generators is the ideal solution for a high-quality hydrogen supply. A practical and economical alternative, COSMOS H2 generators guarantee an on-demand supply of hydrogen gas without the logistical constraints and safety risks associated with cylinder deliveries.

COSMOS hydrogen gas generators offer unrivalled reliability for GC carrier gas. The COSMOS H2 range includes standard hydrogen models as well as a high-purity hydrogen version, all of which can be stacked to take up as little space as possible on the rest of the COSMOS range.

Equipped with PEM technology, with flow rates ranging from 100cc/min to 1500cc/min, these generators produce hydrogen on demand with purities of up to 99.9999%.

The COSMOS H2 range of hydrogen generators is available benchtop and rack-mounted, with different purities depending on the sensitivity required for your analyses:

  • COSMOS RACK MB.H2 : Standard purity generator with static membrane dryer. Available in rack or benchtop versions.
  • COSMOS MD.H2 (benchtop) : Standard purity generator with desiccant cartridge for GC detectors requiring H2 fuel gas, such as FID, FPD, NPD and TCD.
  • COSMOS MF.H2: High-purity generator with exclusive double dynamic cold regeneration dryer. Available in rack or benchtop versions.

Available for rent: 

CleanAir Europe offers the F-DGSi COSMOS hydrogen gas generator for rental in a rack-mount version, standard purity.


• Scale from 100 ml / min to 7 l / min. • Packaged weight: 2 kg • 1 package
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See also

Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids Electrodes, Measuring probes


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