Light weight steel structure (Shelter and Emergency buildings)
Light weight steel structure (Shelter and Emergency buildings) - voestalpine Sadef
Light weight steel structure (Shelter and Emergency buildings) - Frames, Structures
Light weight steel structure (Shelter and Emergency buildings) - produit présenté par voestalpine Sadef
Light weight steel structure designed for earthquake resistance.
The SADEF System is designed in such a way that buildings can be designed in almost any form and for one storey and multistorey buildings.
For para seismic design it is preferable to go for a simple symmetrical architecture with a total mass of the building as small as possible and distributed on plan and in elevation as rationally as possible.
Steel is the ideal construction material thanks to its ductility, its excellent specific resistance and its homogeneity.
Cold rolled steel sections are the ideal light weight solution, with anticorrosion resistance and ready to assemble.
SADEF has a long experience in earthquake applications and has a capacity of
more than 10.000 house frames per month.
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