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Packaging and containers : notre large gamme de produits pour les professionnels.

Packaging and containers
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  • 06/12/2024 -

    Dear Sirs, We are interested in in buying 30 pcs of colapsible plywood boxes, internal dimension 900x730, 700 m high, together with pallets, made of plywood, 6 mm thickness. What would be the price and delivery term for buying the boxes. If possible, we would like to get dissasembled boxes, and we would assemble them. For your answer, thanks in advance. Kind regards, Luka Rus

  • 01/12/2024 -

    looking to puchase a motorbike from Germany. Need a motorcycle crate / pallett for shipping purposes.

  • 03/10/2024 -

    Demande de devis pour une glacière isotherme rigide .

  • 29/07/2024 -

    Greetings, In regards, to my last message, please may you also add quotes for the cold plates, suitable for the Gebhardt tbx 795 for x1, x10 and x100 units please. Kind Regards, Sophie

  • 19/07/2024 -

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  • 20/05/2024 -

    3ltr to 10ltr AgChem cannisters with 63mm neck.

  • 05/04/2024 -

    Demande de documentation: laque eutectique

  • 10/10/2023 -

    Looking for a split tube with a 2 1/2" OD, +0", - 1/4" in lengths of 11 1/2" or 17 1/2".

  • 05/10/2023 -

    Can you provide a quote for x300 of each of the following Eutectic plates: 1) -3 2) 0 3) -21 Many thanks Theresa

  • 26/09/2023 -

    Crimped cardboard box for cheese products - 95mm external diameter. Quantity 25 Email only please

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